John Comisky

John is a freelance photographer living in Napa since 2013.  He has traveled to every continent of the world, to capture compelling images of places, wildlife, hidden beauty and imaginative compositions.  His work has been published in Smithsonian Magazine, Outdoor California, Photocrowd and was awarded artist of the month 3 times by the Napa Library program.  His work can be viewed in the Art Association of Napa Valley's Gallery at 1307 1st Street in Napa and at


Hi, I’m John Comisky. Some think of me as a wildlife photographer (and I am), but I didn’t start out that way. Originally the subjects that pulled my eye tended to be landscapes, tricks of the moment, and worlds within worlds – subjects of beauty and meaning hiding in the upholstery of the background.

Then wildlife entered my life, through my association with Napa Wildlife Rescue. It required a whole new set of photographic skills and equipment, and has gradually become prominent in my work. Now as I travel, I try to capture the soul of both place and the lives lived there, narrated in the language of the eye. This led to my capture of "Whale 2" in Antarctica, which won the Smithson Magazine's 18th Annual Photo Contest - Natural World Category, in April 2021.

I hope you enjoy viewing my photos as much as I have enjoyed taking them, both at home and by traveling to beautiful locations to find inspiring scenes and new subjects. Photography is an art that gives in both directions.





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