Linda Faber

Linda Faber is a retired International Health Care Consultant and had worked with Joint Commission International for more than 20 years in over 33 countries around the world and had extensive experience in US domestic health care. She has 5 degrees, so she has spent many years in school. Her specialties were systems design and performance improvement. She has spent her career moving quickly without much time to smell the roses, let alone take photos. She saw beautiful scenes and took pictures with her eyes. Finally, being retired for four years, she is able to pursue a dream to capture on paper what she sees.

She lives with her husband of 37 years, the cutest Bichon dog, and has 2 grown adult children and 5 grandchildren. All waiting for her to take pictures someday.

This is her first adventure into a photographic exhibit.


As a nature admirer, I treasure each season and the specialness each offers. Winter mustard fields capture my attention as I see the wonderment of blossoms through the vines. Here are two beginnings and one hopeful. Blossoms in bloom, some in full display and others shyly beginning their drama, and vines waiting for bud break.




United States

Age Group
