Jose Ramirez Badillo

Ninth Grade Student at American Canyon High School


Art is something that I have always loved, going to museums and seeing the landscape arts, and the sunset arts and then seeing them in the morning and at night. Photography and painting are the topics that I like and when I get into photography class I didn’t have a lot of expectations, I never thought that art could give me a different view of things, my grandpa teach me art, he painted a lot and all those painting express different emotions that he has go through and he always told me “that art is everything, it expresses emotions, feelings, shows moments, and more.” Art let me express myself, let out my creativity, let me be me, Ms. Leahy has introduced to me the photography art, and with my creativity I can show people my mind, I can show my ideas, my way to see things, and mostly I love to participate in contests to show people what I mentioned before





Age Group
